IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr Ruchi Singh
Capacity building often refers to assistance that is provided to entities usually in developing countries, which have a need to develop a certain skill or competences, or for general upgrading of performance ability of women .It involves activities which strengthens the abilities. Skills, and behavior of women and improve them so that they can meet its mission and goals in a sustainable way. Women political participation has been considered a major measure in women capacity building. The conceptualization of political participation has been undergoing drastic changes .Such changes will have direct impact upon different modes of political participation .There is positive relationship between urban residence and higher level of political participation To increase political participation of women yield positive result, government at both center and state should not delay any further to complete de centralization of power that is power should be shared equally between men & women. This paper deals with the issue of capacity building and scale of need is enormous. There is a need for change in society building in dealing with women. The objective of this paper is to support and encourage in political and legal framework. It is a small exploratory study designed to analyze and interpret the Dalit women in Ambedkar & non-Ambedkar gram of Lucknow district. The sample size will be 500 dalit women from which 250 dalit women from Ambedkar gram are being selected. The result is being discussed in the full length paper.