IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr. K.N.P.Kumar
Warped extra dimensions pioneered by the aforementioned Lisa Randall along with Raman Sundrum — hold that gravity is just as strong as the other forces, but not in our three-spatial-dimension Universe. It lives in a different three-spatial-dimension Universe that’s offset by some tiny amount — like 10-31 meters — from our own Universe in the fourth spatial dimension. (Or, as the diagram above indicates, in the fifth dimension, once time is included.) This is interesting, because it would be stable, and it could provide a possible explanation as to why our Universe began expanding so rapidly at the beginning (warped spacetime can do that), so it’s got some compelling perks. A concatenated model representing various aspectionalities, attributions, predicational anteriories, and ontological consonance is presented.