IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Melkamu Bezabih Yitbarek, Solomon Tesfaye Gurumu
The study was conducted to determine production and marketing chicken at Kimbibt Woreda from three representative kebelles by selecting a total of 150 households who involved in chicken production. The data were collected by questionnaire, personal observation and interview like composition, marketing channels and purpose of village chicken production. The result of the study revealed that about 80% of the households kept local chicken, 12% local and cross breed, and 8% kept exotic and local breed together. The major sources of parent stock were from market (52%), research centers (6%) and hatched in home (42%). In this study village chicken in the study area become sexual maturity and egg laying first at average 61/2 months, the average number of clutch /hen/years was 3 and their hatchability was 76%. 60% of the household rear their chicken for laying, 26% for income source and 14% for consumption. The main constraints were diseases 54%, predators 20% and 8% lack of professional assistant. Therefore, to reduce these constraints government sector should give enough training for village chicken producers to maximize their income for livelihood improvement.