International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Performance of P1 bivoltine seed rearing at Adopted Seed Rearers (ASRs) level during spring in three different seed zones
      Amardev Singh, N.K. Bhatia, and V.P. Gupta
Abstract: The present studies on the performance of P1 bivoltine seed rearing of four different silkworm races on some of the economic traits by feeding S-1635 variety of mulberry showed that in absence of extension supervision support due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic outbreak to the Adopted Seed Rearers (ASRs) have harvested good cocoon yield/100 dfls, pupation % was also attained above the norms set for procurement of seed cocoons etc., Further, highest single cocoon weight (g) and shell % was found in FC2 pure breed.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Amardev Singh, N.K. Bhatia, and V.P. Gupta (2020); Performance of P1 bivoltine seed rearing at Adopted Seed Rearers (ASRs) level during spring in three different seed zones; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 10(08) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.10.08.2020.p10403
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