International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

A Study of Values among Technical Teachers Working in Private and Government Universities in NCR
      Dr. Rakesh Rai, Mrs.Anita Rai
Abstract: This paper addresses the issue value education for technical teachers and its response to the demand for value education in the Higher Education. Defining value education as education itself, the author advocates the need for the preparation of a teacher as an agent for social change, to equip him or her to deliver the quality of values as per the situation and explore the process by which children develop values essential for living in the society. in this study researcher used Teacher Value Inventory by Dr. Dr Ahluwalia for the collection data and interpretation result .This study was confined to two groups of T First Technical Teacher working Government Universities and Technical teachers working in Private universities .total sample consisted 130 Technical teachers out of 150 . It was found that there was no difference among technical teachers in relation to Theoretical, Social, and Religious values. But the Government and Private technical teachers have some differences in the respect of Aesthetic, Political and Economic The basic purpose of education is to create skill and knowledge and awareness of our glorious national heritage and the achievements of human civilization, possessing a basic scientific outlook and commitment to the ideals of patriotism, democracy, secularism and peace, and the principles enunciated in the Preamble to our constitution. Value education theoretical and practical ideas, socio- emotional development and education to different professional fields, implementing and assessing educational programs. . in this paper I have discussed many aspect of values for technical Teachers and find that Value should be incorporate with content , Environment , teachers and family also.

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Dr. Rakesh Rai, Mrs.Anita Rai (2018); A Study of Values among Technical Teachers Working in Private and Government Universities in NCR; Int J Sci Res Publ 2(8) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0812.php?rp=P07110
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