IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Roshan Kumar
This paper presents a novel low-cost, highly efficient, reliable and compact motor drive topology for residential and commercial application. The Brushless DC (BLDC) motor is a simple robust machine which has found application over a wide power and speed of ranges in different shapes and geometry. This paper briefly reviews the fundamentals behind the motor and also the different types of BLDC motors with different geometries and then presents a new configuration for BLDC motor/generator, which does not use a permanent magnet in the rotor. A new soft-switching boost converter is proposed in this paper. The conventional boost converter generates switching losses at turn ON and OFF, and this causes a reduction in the whole system’s efficiency. The proposed boost converter utilizes a soft- switching method using an auxiliary circuit with a resonant inductor and capacitor, auxiliary switch, and diodes. Therefore, the proposed soft-switching boost converter reduces switching losses more than the conventional hard-switching converter. The efficiency, which is about 91% in hard switching, increases to about 96% in the proposed soft-switching converter. In this paper, the performance of the proposed soft-switching boost converter is verified through the theoretical analysis, simulation, and experimental results.