IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Amarasinghe U.G.S., Ranawake A.L., Senanayake S.G.J.N.
Traditional rice cultivars in Sri Lanka conserve different abiotic and biotic tolerant traits but the yield of traditional rice cultivars is not as much of improved cultivars. Abiotic stress tolerance of some traditional rice cultivars were evaluated in previous studies at Faculty of Agriculture, Mapalana, Sri Lanka and this study attempted to understand the possibility of enhancing the yield and yield components of traditional rice cultivars by altering the fertilizer dose. A field experiment was carried out from October 2011 to April 2012 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Mapalana. Traditional rice cultivars are considered to be weaker in response to fertilizer. Four different fertilizer levels namely no fertilizer, half of the recommended dose, recommended dose and twice of the recommended dose were evaluated with forty Sri Lankan traditional rice cultivars to understand the response of them on different agronomic parameters.