IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
FRED KARANGWA, Dr. Mung’atu Joseph, Dr. Prof. Ndabaga Eugene
Implementation has been viewed as a tool for better productivity, general workforce skill development and motivation. Rwanda’s mobile telecommunication sector has seen the need to invest in training and supervision projects of their business agents. This study was set to examine the effect of project implementation on the performance of Tigo Rwanda. The specific objective of this study were; to determine the effect of project scheduling on the performance of Tigo in Rwanda, to examine the project resource mobilization on the performance of Tigo in Rwanda, and to establish the effect of project financial management on the performance of Tigo in Rwanda, and to establish the effect of project supervision on the performance of Tigo in Rwanda. Descriptive survey design was employed in this study. Stratified random sampling was employed in this study with target population being 1000 and a sample size of 286 respondents determined by Yaro Yamane Formula (1967). Data was collected using structured questionnaires and focus group interview guides whose reliability and validity were tested at Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient index of 0.70. A 5-point Likert Scale for multiple items on the questionnaire was used. Validation of the questionnaire was done by University Supervisors while content validation was done by a pilot survey. Data was analyzed by both multiple regression and content analysis. The finding was that there was statistically significant positive correlation effect of project implementation practices on the performance of Tigo Rwanda. The study concluded that enhancing management of project scheduling contributes more, followed by improving management of project supervision, project financial innovations and lastly improving management of project mobilization respectively in increasing the project profitability and market share in Tigo Rwanda.