IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
K.Kirubakaran, Dr.K.Murali
A structure is essentially a modifier of microclimate; the space is isolated from humidity fluctuations and climate temperature sheltered from precipitation, prevailing winds and with an enhancement of natural light. We are ignoring the environment in today’s age of urbanization, it leads to an environmental imbalance and mainly the construction industry plays massive role in this. The resources are wasted and pollution is created, during and after the construction process due to faulty planning. The sustainable building design provides solutions to above mentioned problems. It makes the environment green and clean. The sustainable building will minimize the demand of usage on non-renewable resources and maximize the recycling, utilization of renewable resources and reuse. By understanding the factors, techniques and design that governs the sustainable building, we can construct the sustainable building which will consume the resources without compromising the future needs. The minimization of mechanical appliances for lighting and ventilation purpose, minimization of resources and prediction of the solar radiation for the existing or newly constructed buildings is explained in this article which will be helpful for the design and construction use.