International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Cause of Land Degradation and Its Impacts on Livelihoods of the Population in Toke Kutaye Woreda, Ethiopia
      Feyera Deresa, Tsetadirgachew Legesse
Abstract: Land degradation in most developing countries is becoming a major constraint to future growth and development of rural livelihoods. About 40-75% of the world’s agricultural land’s productivity is reduced due to land degradation (Baylis et al., 2012; UNCCD, 2013). This has strong impact on the livelihood of the most population living in the rural areas; Majority of the primary data of this study was collected through household survey questionnaires, field observations and key informant interview. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency, percentage, and tabulations were employed to compute the land degradation and anthropogenic factors of land degradation. Multiple linear regressions was deployed for this work in order to know the relationship between the anthropogenic factors of land degradation on Crop Productivity of rural households .A key finding of this study is that the farmers pursue a diverse range of livelihood strategies in addition to agricultural activities. Experience of HHs, farm land hector size, amounts of fertilizer used and sex of HHs are each uniquely explained 8.9%, 1.6%, 1.9% and 0% of the variance in total crop production. Variables such as, education level and family size of HHs are insignificant because the p-values are greater than 0.05, whereas the four variables are significantly determining the crop production. Use land degradation risk to prioritize investments and build donor commitment plus grassroots participation to long-term engagement in the Study area:

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Feyera Deresa, Tsetadirgachew Legesse (2018); Cause of Land Degradation and Its Impacts on Livelihoods of the Population in Toke Kutaye Woreda, Ethiopia; Int J Sci Res Publ 5(5) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0515.php?rp=P414069
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