IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr. Siba Barkataki
R.K Narayan and C.F Ramuz are two writers belonging to two countries known for their pluralistic natures: linguistic, ethnic and religious. In this form of diversity we see the simultaneous valorization of a cosmopolitan tendency as well as of the regional specificities. Such a situation that seems to be positive for society proves to be problematic in literature as universal and regional specificities begin opposing each other. A writer’s work is faced with the dilemma of being termed either as regional literature or world literature. The former is considered to be inferior to the latter. It is this dichotomy that is faced by R.K Narayan and C.F Ramuz. In this study we will investigate the theoretical framework, if any exists, forming the basis of such a categorization; the objective being, the determination of the factors that decide whether an author should be considered as a regional or a universal writer.