IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Mr.M.Vimalraj, Mr.R.Mageshwaran, Mr.B.Karthikeyan &,Ms.M.Tamilarasi
This paper proposes a unique standalone hybrid power generation system, applying advanced power control techniques(APC), fed by four power sources: wind power, solar power, storage battery, and fuel cell, and which is not connected to a commercial power system One of the primary needs for socio-economic development in any nation in the world is the provision of reliable electricity supply systems. This work is a development of an indigenous technology hybrid Solar –Wind and fuel cell Power system that harnesses the renewable energies in Solar- Wind and fuel cell to generate electricity. Here, electric DC energies produced from photovoltaic and wind turbine systems are transported to a DC disconnect energy Mix controller. The controller is bidirectional connected to a DC-AC float charging-inverter system that provides charging current to a heavy duty storage bank of Battery and at the same time produces inverted AC power to AC loads. This paper focuses on the modeling and simulation of solar – photovoltaic, wind, fuel cell and battery hybrid energy systems using MATLAB/simulink.