IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Waleed Nour Eldien, Elham H . M. Ali, Ahmed. Sohily, Mortada Hamad E.A
The purification process is very important stage in sugar industries. The juice extracted from cane sugar is normally treated by addition of milk of lime and heating. This treatment helps settling of the coagulate, fulgent, salt, gums, and fiber impurities. This impurity affects to quality of juice and there chemical properties. After purification process the clear juice concentrated in evaporators then to the crystallizers to produce sugar crystals. Then sugar crystals were separated from molasses and to color improvement unit.
.In this study the samples of lime juice were taken and heated to different temperature (75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100) oC were analyzed and determined the chemical properties which affected to quality of sugar production like: pH, polarization sugar , reducing sugar, color, phosphate contains, turbidity and purity. Then the sedimentation rat at this different temperature by measuring the volumes of settling material and the clear juice were calculated.