IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Novita L Sahertian
Democracy today often associated with religion, law, economics and education. This is due to the power that uses the label of democracy but practicing injustice, suppression of human rights, suppress human freedom, pluralism is less appreciated and recognized as well, the policy and the law in favor of the ruling majority. In the Bible human uniqueness is the man's responsibility before God and neighbor. Picture of life that singles out, get rid of, and oppressive is a deadly act of human rights, undemocratic actions. The history of democracy in a span of time that has been so long with the level of intensity is different, as well which have been adopted by almost all countries are different in terms of geographic location, history, culture, and development levels have resulted democracy controlled with the purpose of which is no longer free mankind but it has been deadly human capacity.