IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Macharia Ngombo Wilson, Dr. Mike A Iravo, Ondabu Ibrahim Tirimba, Dr.Kepha Ombui
Irrespective of the fact that Logistic firms are making much profit, they still suffer from inefficiency and insecurity. Critically evaluating the introduction of information technology owing to its objectives, it is not concern with how much technology is provided but how well it serves potential users. This cloudy atmosphere therefore provides a fertile ground for the researchers to examine the effects of information technology on Logistic firm’s performance in Nairobi Kenya to realize its significant impact on their operations in order to guarantee their profitability and growth. The target population was logistic firms within Nairobi County. Data was collected from 10 firms in the logistic industry suppliers in Nairobi.