IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ms.P.Vinotha, Ms.R.Suriya & Ms. S.Valarmathi
The researcher carried out this study with the primary objective of “A study on industrial health and safety measures” in H & R Johnson India ltd, Thennangudi. The need and importance of the study highlighted the health and safety measures which imply to improve the performance of the employees.The research was conducted with the sample of 150, on the basis of dis- proportionate stratified random sampling. The primary data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire which is filled by the respondents.The collected data were analyzed for interpretation by simple percentage analysis and Weighted Average Method.The study also focuses what are the safety equipment is necessary and how it protect the employees from the accident at the work spot.This study is very useful for the organization & future to make use of it for their development.