IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Kashinath Wakade, Pankaj Chidrawar, Dinesh Aitwade
This paper proposes the advanced Ration Distribution System, named as “Smart Ration Distribution and Controlling”. Huge amount of Govt. money get wasted due to corruption in the conventional Ration Distribution System. This paper implements a simple PDA device (personal data assistant) with RFID tag used as an e-ration card in place of a conventional ration card. This PDA device is similar to the ticketing machine used by bus conductor or bank pigmy agent and the e - ration card is similar to swipe card. The Subscriber has to use this card instead of a traditional ration card to get ration from the dealer. Efforts are put together from our side to combat corruption and to have better management of public distribution system.