IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Abdullah Al-Mamun Bulbul, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman
The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are energy constraint as the nodes of WSN run by the batteries. Energy consumption of a node is higher when it operates as a Cluster Head (CH) or located far from the Base Station (BS). In non-cluster based WSN the nodes close to the BS consume less power and live longer life unlike the cluster based WSN where nodes in the distant cluster lives longer time. In both the methods network performance and coverage degrades overtime as nodes have uneven lifetime. Energy consumption optimization is required to synchronize the lifetime of the nodes with the whole network lifetime. In this paper we propose a network load and resources balancing algorithm to optimize energy consumption for a homogeneous WSN. The algorithm is run by the BS before the network starts its operation. Depending on the GPS position, battery energy and energy consumption rate per unit of data to be processed by each node, the BS prepares and broadcast the schedule of the nodes’ activity as a CH or child. Node operations are synchronized by their clocks. Simulation result shows that in this method, the nodes operate together for full network lifetime. This indicates optimum utilization of the WSN’s usable energy.