IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Alfred N. Onger’a
This paper attempts to provide an accentuated understanding of corruption in Africa by delineating the role of Africa’s leadership and donor agencies in abating mismanagement of public resources. Through a systematic approach, this paper reviews existing evidence on dynamics of corruption in Africa and notes its implications in the modern underdeveloped Africa. The paper notes that good governance, transparency, and accountability are sine qua non building blocks of 21st century democratic societies. African countries can reduce corruption by formulating tough anti-corruption policies, such as high profile convictions, ensuring that companies operating in Africa are more transparent in their dealings with the government and tougher on those companies and individuals paying bribes, just as African leaders must be ready to take a tougher stand on corrupt officials that take the bribes. Importantly, countries in the Global South should strengthen their institutions and create efficient and effective anti-corruption agencies. On the other hand, developed countries should support Africans in their fight against corruption by helping bring corrupt leaders to justice, and seize and return funds that have been stolen through corruption and invested in Western bank accounts.