International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Impact of the Management of the School Community Relationship on Students’ Academic Performance
      Nick N. Waswa
Abstract: Schools exist in the heart of each community and school-community links are beneficial. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school -community relationship on students’ academic performance. The study adopted a mixed methods approach and a descriptive survey design. Using purposive and simple random sampling techniques, a sample size of 44 principals, 369 class teachers and 369 class prefects was selected to participate in this study, giving a sample size of 782 respondents Data was collected by administering a likert scale questionnaire and an interview schedule. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. Qualitative data was analyzed by describing emerging content from the respondents in relation to the study objectives. The study established that, communication skills influence teaching and learning. From the results it is concluded that academic performance could be improved if school relationship was enhanced. The following recommendation was made: Education stake holders should actively participate in the running of schools by providing material and administrative support.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Nick N. Waswa (2017); Impact of the Management of the School Community Relationship on Students’ Academic Performance; Int J Sci Res Publ 7(3) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0317.php?rp=P636265
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