Okpako, E. C, Louis, H, Magu, T.O., Akwo, J. K, Akakuru O. U., Bisong, E.A
The phytochemical and proximate nutritional analyses of brown leaves of Terminaliacatappa L. were determined using the methods of Association of Official Analytical Chemistsand expressed in mean standard deviation. The phytochemical concentrations (mg/100g) of the aqueous, ethanoland methanol extract revealed the presence of tannins (0.50±0.58, 0.49±0.58, 0.47±0.56), saponins (2.67±1.33, 2.99±1.41, 3.31±1.49), alkaloids (1.20±0.89, 1.32±0.89, 1.23±0.90), phenols (0.32±0.49, 0.45±0.55, 0.35±0.48), flavonoids (0.93±0.79, 0.86±0.76, 0.65±0.66), anthraquinones (0.02±0.05, 0.03±0.06, 0.04±0.65) and glycosides (-, 6.12±2.02, 2.10±1.18) respectively. The result revealed that the leaves were very high in glycosides, saponins and alkaloids but low in tannins, phenols, flavonoids and anthraquinones.The proximate nutritional analysis revealed crude protein 4.2±1.67, fibre content 12.9±2.94, fat content 4.6±1.75, ash content 12.1±2.84, moisture content 8.3±2.35, and carbohydrate content 57.9±6.21. Carbohydrates had the highest concentration followed by fibre, ash and moisture content, while proteins and fats had low concentration. This study justifies the use of TerminaliacatappaL. leaves by traditional practitioners to treat various ailments and by pharmaceutical companies to produce useful drugs. The leaves are rich source of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.