IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Mr.Sonjay Mondal, Dr.Jatisankar Bandayopadhyay, Dr.Debashish Chakravatry
The impact of mining and mineral extraction activities can be significant on the surrounding land, water and air bodies, in any operational area. The environmental degradation ranges from localized surface and ground water contamination to the damaging effects of airborne pollutants on the regional ecosystem; which need the properly designed geospatial database. The monitoring of these environmental impacts requires a user-friendly and cost effective method to quantify the land cover changes over large time periods. Now-a-days, it has become compulsory to use the remote sensing techniques for regular monitoring of these environmental hazards in-and-around the mining areas. This paper provides a case study on the use of geospatial techniques for environmental monitoring in the mining areas.