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The Complete Guide to Writing A Thesis

Thesis Publication

Thesis is a report made on particular research generally written for obtaining a professional qualification. It is referred to both master’s thesis /monograph and doctoral dissertation.

Basic Guidelines In Writing A Thesis

The very first step in writing a thesis is to figure out your best area of interest. Carry out basic research and study on that particular topic. It should contain detailed view about what was known about it previously, what are your contributions/views and what all you did towards solving the problem.

Try to put maximum information into figures, tables, flow charts, diagrams, cartoons etc. Cut anything irrelevant. Use shorter sentences to make it simple. Avoid nested phrases and try not to use idioms.

Write a successful thesis by being very specific and clear. Try to avoid using vague words. Try to make it catchy. Keep your argument very focused and be statement specific.

The goal should be to write a shortest possible thesis with all relevant information that best describes your work.

Structure/Skeleton Of The Thesis

Title page
Title page should include a good catchy title, author’s name, institution, qualification, department, and their email address.

Gives preview about the importance of your paper. It explains the implication of your work. A good abstract should be concise and readable.

You can mention authors name along with qualification or degree. You can also mention brief about your achievements, published research and affiliations. A passport size photograph can be added.

Table of contents
It includes all headings with major subheadings and their page numbers.

You should know what the body of your thesis says before writing a precise introduction. The introduction should try to motivate your reader to read the whole thesis. It should be interesting and try to fascinate the reader. It’s a good idea to write the introduction of your thesis after writing its body. It should include the goal of your paper. Try not to repeat the abstract.

It contains the information that is necessary for other researcher to replicate your work. It includes calibration plots, material, techniques, equipment, procedure, calculation, theory. Describe your analytical methods and include limitations and assumptions.

The result will include all the observation done in the experimentation in the form of tables, graphs, statistics etc. it should be precise. Try to break your result into logical subheadings. State the key results in proper sentences.

It’s a brief essay answering all major problems/questions and caveats. This section is often long and verbose.

It is the strongest statement that you can come up with from your experiments or observations. Don’t repeat the abstract. It should show more broad implications of your results. Include the summary of observations and interpretations from the results of your work.

It includes the directions you want to give the readers to conduct their future investigation on the current or some other related topics.

Acknowledge your team, advisors, and anyone who helped you in your work technically, intellectually or financially.

It lists all the references you have taken in the thesis in alphabetical order including text, data concept, ideas, that are not your own. Mention the books you referred to.

At the end you can add Glossary which helps readers to search the content easily.

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