IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr. Shri Krishna Mishra, Mr. Badri Yadav
The present research paper is devoted to provide a summary of the entire study, which includes a SKITT out line of the major objective. Methodology and procedure followed in different phase of study. This study was undertaken to know the own-idea and Curiosity in teaching of pre-service teachers of middle level Shri Kanwartara institute for treacher’s training Mandleshwar Dist-Khargone (M.P.) efforts was made to find out the difference and relationship between the above two variables.
The physical own-image is usually formed first and is related to the student physical appearance, psychological own-image is based on thoughts-feelings and emotions. They consist of the qualities such as courage, honesty, independence, own-confidence, aspiration and abilities of various kinds.
A man’s day-to-day life is shaped by his Curiosity and attitudes. His day-to-day relations with other member of the society, his educational and vocational adjustment, his attitudes and values depend upon his Curiosity.
There are various objects in this universe. Those which are pleasant and appealing to our instincts and sense become the centre of our Curiosity. Curiosity differs from individual to individual and as such they are quite subjective.