IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Sachin Solat, GD Velhal, Hemant Mahajan, Amrita Rao, Bhuwan Sharma
We are living in an international society, and HIV has become the first truly international epidemic, easily crossing oceans and borders. It is disappointing that the global numbers of people infected with HIV continue to increase, despite the fact that effective prevention strategies already exist. The present study was carried out to assess the awareness of rural population about HIV/AIDS in Raigad district and operationalization of appropriate interventions to empower the community leaders with appropriate leadership skills, to control the spread of HIV infection. The present community based interventional study was conducted during January 2009 to December 2009 at Mahad Taluka of Raigad District, India. Total of 724 individuals were selected by using stratified random sampling. The information was gathered by personal interview using semi-structured proforma. Total 724 individuals were interviewed with 202 (27.9%) males and 522 (72.1%) females. Overall awareness about symptoms of HIV/AIDS, its transmission routes and preventive measures was very poor. Composite scores of Knowledge and attitude were low (below 50%) specifically in females, unmarried and illiterate individuals. Thus it is necessary to create suitable environments at community level to stimulate, support and sustain healthy lifestyle choices and fear and guilt free discussion on the issue of HIV / AIDS and condom. At the level of the individual, the interventions should focus on behaviour change, especially aimed at HIV / AIDS prevention.