IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Apurv Kantilal Pandya, Dr. CK Kumbharana
Image is one of the most important techniques to represent data very efficiently and effectively utilized since ancient times. But to represent data in image format has number of problems. One of the major issues among all these problems is size of image. The size of image varies from equipment to equipment i.e. change in the camera and lens puts tremendous effect on the size of image. High speed growth in network and communication technology has boosted the usage of image drastically and transfer of high quality image from one point to another point is the requirement of the time, hence image compression has remained the consistent need of the domain. To cope up with the said problem, time & technology has given many image formats periodically. Researcher has identified the requirement and importance of the problem and prepared and designed conversion model to convert one image format into other image formats using java api and analyze the algorithm by taking different color as well as grey scale image. The presented paper represents conversion model and different image analysis.