IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
K. Nisha., Padma Devi, S.N., Vasandha.S and Sunitha kumari, K
Phosphorus is the second most important macro nutrient required by the plants for its optimum growth and yield. But it is considered to be a most limiting factor of many crop production systems, due to its unavailability of soluble forms in the soils. About 80% of applied P fertilizers are immobilized due to the formation of complex with Al or Fe in acidic soils or Ca in calcareous soils. An alternative way to circumvent P deficiency in soil and to improve crop production is through the utilization of microorganisms as biofertilizer. Rhizospheric microorganisms play a vital role in the transformation of unavailable form of P into available form which will be a boon to the agrarian communities to remove P deficiency in plants.