IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
A. Bharathi, N. Sarojini, M.Padmaja
In Penaeus indicus neuroendocrine organs plays an important role in the growth and reproduction. In Penaeus indicus four different types of neurosecretory cells such as A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell were identified. The Eyestalk of Penaeus indicus shows many neurosecretory cells, but the Brain and Thoracic ganglion shows only few neurosecretory cells. After the unilateral Eyestalk ablation the Brain and Thoracic ganglion has many neurosecretory cells. The neuroendocrine glands are stimulatory and inhibitory in function. Brain , Thoracic ganglion are stimulatory principles of growth and reproduction. But the neurosecretory cells in the Eyestalks are inhibitory influence of these function.