IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
H.K.Patel, P.M.Patel, J.V.Suthar And M.R.Patel
A field experiment was conducted at the College Agronomy Farm, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand, Gujarat during rabi season 2002-03 on loamy sand soil. The experiment was conducted to study the effect of sulphur, phosphorus fertilization and PSB inoculation on growth and yield of chickpea (GC-2). It was consisting of combination of three levels of sulphur and four phosphorus management treatments. The experiment was laid down in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD-2) with four replications. The results revealed that application of sulphur and phosphorus fertilization with PSB inoculation gave significant effect on yield, protein content, nitrogen content, sulphur content and post harvest soil nutrients status. From the yield and economic point of view, it is concluded that for securing maximum yield the chickpea crop should be fertilized with 20 kg S ha-1 and 25 kg P2O5 ha-1+ PSB and also maintained soil health.