International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Gulgulia- Hindi- Khortha Code-Switching: A Study of Language Contact Phenomenon in Dhanbad (Jharkhand, India)
      Sneha Mishra, Dr. M. Rahman
Abstract: This study shows that in the present scenario, Gulgulia speakers widely show traits of code-switching, not just in the outside domain but also in the home domain. This research, a socio-linguistic analysis of contact between Gulgulia, Hindi and Khortha etc. seeks to determine the social, psychological and linguistic factors that constraint the use of Gulgulia language in the day-to-day communication of the Gulgulia people. As the use of other neighbouring languages increases in the Gulgulia community, the question arises- Whether Gulgulia will be threatened under the dominance of neighbouring languages? The data for this study will be collected through individual and group conversation recordings made from the community members. The recordings will comprise of sentences through which I can show Gulgulia sentences with Hindi or Khortha insertions. Moreover a quantitative data on insertions can also be presented with the aid of a table showing the distribution of the main word class insertions in Gulgulia. Therefore, in this study, we mainly investigated the multilingual contact phenomenon as a pathway for code-switching motivated by language contact phenomenon. Our intention here will be to examine the present day Gulgulia, in order to illustrate how code-switching is influenced by a combination of language internal and language external (contact) motivations. We will be addressing the issues of contact- induced language change in the most genuine use of the language.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Sneha Mishra, Dr. M. Rahman (2018); Gulgulia- Hindi- Khortha Code-Switching: A Study of Language Contact Phenomenon in Dhanbad (Jharkhand, India); Int J Sci Res Publ 3(6) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0613.php?rp=P181354
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