IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Abdul Rahman Bin Ahmad Dahlan, Shahwali Akbari, Muhammad Ramez Ansari, Ezatullah Safi
Products of the bakery became a regular food in most part of the world and are important commodities today. Businessmen could sell potential products of bakery products and they are able earn potential benefits from the products. In business, Small-Medium Enterprises are mostly engaged in the bakery business but they cannot compete with the branded bakery Industry. In Malaysia the Small-Medium Enterprises (SME) are face difficulties to attain growth in the business of bakery products. People deal with the present issues which are faced by Small-Medium Enterprises and providing some valid recommendations to solve the existing problems in the bakery business. The case was analyzed and the findings are revealed that the Small-Medium Enterprises have not structured marketing strategies and need some enhancements in the areas of packaging. To overcome customers’ satisfaction to buy the products the business model canvas (BMC is a business tool used to visualize all the building blocks of starting a business, including customers, route to market, value proposition and finance) and Value Proposition Design (VPD explains customers’ satisfactions, customers’ gains, and customers’ pains) will help to understand what is going on the bakery. A survey was conducted to understand customers’ needs, pains, and gains. The value should be added to the bakery products, focusing on the promotion and appropriate advertising strategies. Furthermore, the analysis is revealed that more coverage of selling points for bakery products. The increased number of distribution centers and proper motivations to the agents may definitely improve the marketing of bakery products.