IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Prof.N.Meenakumari , Dr.Patricia J. Morokoff
Sexual assertiveness begins with acquiring the knowledge of what is appropriate and inappropriate sexual behavior. From early years, we were most likely taught “good touch” and “bad touch” to differentiate the handling of sexual from nonsexual parts of the body. Jenkins writes that sexual assertiveness empowers women and men alike to be active in what happens to their bodies where sexuality is concerned. OBJECTIVES (1) to estimate level of Sexual Assertiveness among female commercial sex workers 2)To associate the sexual assertiveness with their selected demographic variables. MATERIALS &METHODS: Mixed Method study was done among 30 FSW to explore the Sexual Assertiveness by using sexual assertiveness scale (Quantitative) in-depth interview (Qualitative). Level of sexual assertiveness was assessed by sexual assertiveness scale developed by Dr.Patricia J. Morokoff , following that indepth interview were done in 7sex workers. RESULTS: The computed result shows that majority of FSW (56.7%) has inadequate sexual assertiveness and there is a significant association (0.05 %) between their marital status and number of dependents but their age and education doesnot play any significant role in their assertiveness. CONCLUSIONS: The result shown that there is a less sexual assertiveness among Female Sex Workers, they were compromised themselves for not using condom during the sexual act. No woman could choose to be in sex work and making money but social and economic factors paved the way towards sex work. Provision of economic safety of female sex workers reduces the condom negotiation thus decrease the chance of HIV transmission. RECOMMENDATIONS (1) Promote Job opportunities for Female Sex Workers (FSW)(2) Rescue them and restore them in good income source (3) Encourage sex communication in married couples to share their own sexual need between them to avoid search of sexual act outside of marriage ties and indulge in unprotected sexual intercourse.