IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Devarassou @ Tinehe koumar. K, Prakash. D, Nivedha. R M, Pushpadarini. K, Ramazeame. L, Vasanth. S, Dhivya. G, Dinesh. V, Raghavi. R, Logesh. P, Nirmala. R, Thivagaran. B, Priyadharsini. R, Bhuvaneswa
An experiment was conducted at Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute (PAJANCOA&RI), Karaikal, Puducherry, Union Territory of Pondicherry, India; to investigate shoot and root growth of semi-hard wood cuttings in Mulberry (Morus indica L.) varieties ‘Victory 1’ and ‘S36’, influenced by water imbibitions using “wet cloth wrapping technique”. Semi-hard wood cuttings were subjected to different days of water treatments using wet cloth wrapping method. The experiment was laid out and data’s were analyzed using single factor ANOVA. The cuttings were subjected with different days of water treatments, which are then planted in the rooting media and kept under shade net condition. For preparing rooting media, soil, sand and farm yard manure (FYM) in ratio of 1:1:1 by v/v were mixed thoroughly, cleaned for stones and grasses, then the mixture was filled in polythene bags. Parameters namely number of sprouts, sprout length, number of leaves per sprouts, root length and number of roots per cuttings were taken at 60th day. The cuttings subjected with 20 days of water treatments of the variety ‘Victory 1’ performed best with regards to root length and number of roots per cutting. It was also observed that cuttings subjected with 25 days of water treatment have performed best over other treatments with regards to number of leaves per cuttings and number sprouts per cuttings of the varieties Victory 1 and S36.
Devarassou @ Tinehe koumar. K, Prakash. D, Nivedha. R M, Pushpadarini. K, Ramazeame. L, Vasanth. S, Dhivya. G, Dinesh. V, Raghavi. R, Logesh. P, Nirmala. R, Thivagaran. B, Priyadharsini. R, Bhuvaneswa (2017); Root and shoot growth of semi-hard wood cuttings of Mulberry (Morus indica L.) influenced by water imbibitions using wet cloth wrapping technique;
Int J Sci Res Publ 7(5) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0517.php?rp=P656407