IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Essien, I. E and Essiett, A. A
The radiological hazard indices due to radiation exposure from the Uyo metropolis central dumpsite were investigated. An in -situ measurements of the exposure level were made using Radex radiation meter model RD 1212. The radiological hazards indices evaluated were, exposure, annual dose rate (ADR), outdoor annual effective dose rate and the excess cancer lifetime risk. The mean exposure obtained for the dumpsite ranged between 0.09 µSv/h -0.19 µSv/h and the corresponding calculated ADR ranged between 0.16 mSv/yr – 0.33 mSv/yr, while the calculated outdoor AEDR is 0.11 mSv/yr -0.23 mSv/yr. The estimated excess lifetime cancer risk due to gamma radiation at the dumpsite is ranged between . As a reference to aid observed any significant change in radiation level, the background radiation (control) exposure level was measured and values for exposure, ADR and AEDR (outdoor) were 0.07µSv/h, 0.12 mSv/yr and 0.09 mSv/yr respectively. The results show that the presence of these waste materials have slightly increased the radiation level in the area studied but not large enough for concern as the annual effective dose rate is below the acceptable dose limit of 1mSv/yr for the public, 20mSv/yr occupational limit.