IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Raziyeh Yosof Boroujerdi, Seyed Ali Siadat(PH.D), Reza Hoveida(PH.D) , Saeed Khani
Human capital is just one of an organization’s intangible assets. It is basically all of the competencies and commitment of the people within an organization i.e. their skills, experience, potential and capacity. Human capital management is a reciprocal relationship between supply and demand: employees, contractors and consultants invest their own human capital into business enterprises and the business enterprises need to manage the supplier. Any organization interested in its performance will naturally ask how well they are managing this asset to ensure maximum return on their investment. In the same way, all employees, contractors, consultants and providers of human capital want to ensure they are getting the appropriate return for their own human capital investing through salary, bonuses, benefits, and so on. The aim of this paper is to study of nature of human capital management and its strategic role in achieving of competitive advantage for the organization and it is a review paper. The results of this study show the strategic importance of human capital and managing them in organizations.