IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ritu Singh
A pot experiment was performed to determine the effect of pendimethalin amended with different fertilizers (NPK and vermicompost) on soil enzyme activities: FDAH (fluorescein diacetate ), dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatise with different concentrations of pendimethalin (500,1000 and 1500gai.).Pots were also filled with recommended rates of NPK and vermicompost under wheat plants. Among the soil enzymes dehydrogenase and FDAH were the least tolerant to the effect of the herbicide, whereas alkaline were the most tolerant one. The high herbicide dose proved deleterious for soil enzymes as compared to other two concentrations. While the use of vermicompost as compared to NPK proved superior in enhancing enzyme activities, which may have exerted a positive effect on wheat yield as compared to herbicide use only.