IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
P.Krubhala, P.Niranjana, G.Sindhu Priya
With over 1 billion users connected through online social media, user confidentiality is becoming even more important and is widely argue in the media and researched in academia. Social networking sites are a powerful and fun way to communicate with the world. The Internet is the safe place for only those people who aware of the risk and the security, and can take steps to protect themselves, so the best solution is to learn. Social media is a good service because it lets you to share what actually you want to share, but it can also be used for negative purposes, and in both cases you are responsible for your security. Protection and preventative techniques are not very difficult, but you need to be careful while you are on the Internet. In this paper we provide a brief overview of some attire to users’ privacy. We classify these threats as: users’ block, design pitfall and limitations, implicit flows of information, and clash of stimulus. We also describe about the privacy and security issues associated with social network systems.