IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Nijwm Basumatary, Edwin Narazry, Tazim Brahma, Kokil Medhi, Miniswrang Borgoyary, Paris Basumatary, Sanjib Brahma, Sanatan Deka
The present study deals with the identification, documentation and exploration of Minor Forest Resources (wild edible vegetables and medicinal plants) utilised by fringe villagers of Greater Manas Landscape, Assam (North-East India). A total of 48 wild edible plants and 32 medicinal plants were surveyed. Plants are the nature’s gift to mankind and consumed wholly or in parts either cooked or raw. These are delicious, refreshing and chief sources of vitamins, minerals and protein. Vegetables constitute a major part of daily food intakes and play an important role in well-balanced diet and maintain healthy living. Many plants are used for different ethno medical purposes, including tuberculosis, asthma, paralysis, jaundice, earache, constipation, weakness, snake poisoning, etc. The utilization of wild plant resources in day-to-day life of Bodo tribes has been an old-age practice and recently popularity of the same has declined. Hence, prime importance should be given to them in order to maintain and popularize this important source of non-conventional food supply. In this paper, the scientific names along with family, local names in Bodo, time of availability, parts used and method of use are presented.
Nijwm Basumatary, Edwin Narazry, Tazim Brahma, Kokil Medhi, Miniswrang Borgoyary, Paris Basumatary, Sanjib Brahma, Sanatan Deka (2018); Study of forest base ethno wild vegetables and ethno medicinal plants among the forest fringe villages of Greater Manas Landscape, Assam;
Int J Sci Res Publ 5(4) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0415.php?rp=P403957