IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Kiran Asha, Kumari Sneha, Kumar Mithilesh, Haider Shamim, Kashyap Vivek
Introduction- Health care seeking is a central issue in all kinds of morbidity, since the duration of symptoms increases the probability of severe morbidity and harmful sequelae. Aim and Objectives- 1.To find out duration and main reasons responsible for patient delay.2.To assess socio demographic determinants of patient delay. Material and methods- The present study was cross sectional, descriptive and hospital based study. The total study duration was 15 months (March 2013-May 2014).Data was collected in Medicine OPD of RIMS from May-2013 to March-2014(eleven months).