IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Leila Ateffakhr
Practice of dowry poses heavy threat to the life of females. Dowry is an age old practice in Indian society referring to property or valuable security given by one party to another as a consideration for marriage. The origin of dowry primarily was the contribution of wife’s family or by herself with the intention to help the husband.This custom of dowry was started in the medieval period. Women were gifted with wealth and jewel from their parents during her marriage and this served as a tool of financial independence for the bride even after marriage. This menace is the root cause of almost all violence against a married woman. In most cases after marriage the problem of dowry will arise. If the wife is not able to provide all, which her husband and in laws demand, her life in the groom’s house become miserable. She will be treated cruelly and in some cases she may lose her life.