IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Boaz K. Ingari
Kenya experiences public service delivery breakdowns in all her major cities due to politicized public service delivery systems. These interruptions occur despite the huge wage bills and bloated workforces at the county governments. These failures affect delivery of essential services in key areas of garbage collection, roads maintenance, fresh water supply, control of hawkers’ activities, healthcare delivery amongst others. This article seeks to recommend strategies that can be adopted to ensure cost-effective quality service delivery and encourage accountability. The article proposes outsourcing of public service delivery from the in-house county governments to competent reliable private providers who can be held responsible throughout the contract periods. The guiding premise is that outsourcing of public services when properly utilized can lead to cost-effective quality delivery of public services using competent private firms. The article acknowledges that outsourcing is not a universal panacea, and that when used carelessly, it can lead to catastrophic results.