IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ajah, Obiageri .F, Osuji, Julian .O and Anoliefo, Geoffrey .O
The morphological assessment of five accessions of Colocasia esculenta (NCe 001, NCe 002, NCe 003, NCe 004 and NCe 005) and three accessions of Xanthosoma maffafa (NXs 001, NXs 002 and NXs 003) exposed to different concentrations of sodium azide and potassium chromate was carried out using 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 mg/kg and unpolluted soil as the control. Results showed that accessions treated with sodium azide had higher mean height, mean leaf area and mean yield when compared to the accessions treated with potassium chromate. However, the differences in height, leaf area and girth between treatments were not significant at 5 % but these differences between accessions were significant at 5 %. Albeit, the difference in yield between treatments was significant at P=0.05 but the difference in yield between accessions was not significant at P=0.05. Malformed leaves, chlorosis, change in stem colour including plant deaths were some of the variations observed in the accessions treated with these chemicals. Further studies were encouraged for a clearer understanding of the potentials of these chemicals in crop mutation breeding programs.