IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Nyaga Robert Kariuki, Dr. Jane Omwenga
The study sought to establish the entrepreneurial factors influencing performance of horticultural exporting youth groups in Kirinyaga county Kenya. The results were intended to increase our understanding on these entrepreneurial factors and provide an opportunity for implementation of the recommendations for future policy frameworks, tertiary and higher educational policies as well as future research and studies. The study employed stratified random sampling to collect data from 205 small scale horticulture farmers using questionnaires. The key factors that were identified for this study included four independent variables – business management skills, availability of funds, market availability and accessibility and technology adoption. These independent variables were tested against the dependant variable (performance of horticultural exporting youth groups). The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics through the use of questionnaires. The study established that lack of relevant training and knowledge, getting the initial capital for business start up, access to the market and technology adoption all remained the major limiting factors to the performance and success of horticulture farmers in Kirinyaga County. The study recommended that the government should start offering basic business and financial management skills as this will enable entrepreneurs to make informed investment decisions as well as enhance their entrepreneurial skills that enable them to recognize and exploit the available business opportunities.