IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Mansoor Ahmad Lone
China has been taking more active interest in South Asia,particularly since last two decades. China's evolving South Asia policy hinges on multiple factors, which are strategically-driven, politically-oriented and economically manifested. The core issues of China include manifold interests and concerns like peripheral stability by curbing extremism, outdo India-US influence in the region, thwart India’s rising influence in South Asia, continuity of fast growing economy by securing safe access to Indian Ocean routes, rallying friendship and entering the littoral states through aid and investment process, are crucial considerations of China’s policy towards South Asia. Therefore, China has adopted an approach to handle the relationship with South Asian countries as a whole with utmost care to ensure strategic and security objectives. Against this backdrop, this paper would be an attempt to answer a question how China’s geopolitical and geostrategic manoeuvrings regarding ‘New Great Game’ outdo India in South Asia.