IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
S. K. Singh, S.K. Tripathi, S.P. Singh andR.K. Prajapati1
This paper discusses the pilot study area between the Gomti and Sai Rivers 550000 ha. The entire study area is commanded by the Jaunpur Branch canal with 123-cumec design capacity under the SardaSahayak system. In the study geo-database has been prepared based on data collection and to capture information on climate, agriculture, surface and groundwater hydrology, irrigation and drainage network, water demands (Irrigation, domestic, industrial, hydropower, environment), socio-economic and demographic details, topography, water quality etc. The finding reveals that apart from canals, a significant amount of groundwater resources is also being utilized by private and government tubewells. Contribution of government tubewells is much less. Waterlogging appears to be localized in nature and exists predominantly in canal head and middle reaches where groundwater utilization is comparatively less and seepage from canals is higher. It is clear from these illustrations that rice being less sensitive to waterlogging, it exhibits higher productivity in head and middle reaches of canal where canal supply is adequate and reliable in the Kharif. Quite expectedly, it shows lower productivity in the canal tails and out of command areas as canal irrigation is either not available or unreliable. Wheat scenario suggests that the productivity is higher in middle and tail reaches where waterlogging is less and groundwater is used more. The cropping intensity during both Kharif and Rabi seasons is comparatively low along head reaches of canals. RS analyses clearly suggest that cropping intensity is lesser especially along branch and distributary canals in head and middle reaches.