International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Case of HIV positive multiple solitary recurrent extra medullary plasmacytoma
      Dr. Koushik, Dr. Shailaja, P.Jadhav, Dr. Lata Bhoir
Abstract: Objective – HIV is known to increase the chances of occurrence of B-cell neoplasms. There have been citations of cases of primary solitary plasmacytomas at various sites in HIV positive patients. We present a case of HIV positive initially diagnosed a solitary extra medullary plasmacytoma post radiotherapy recurring as multiple solitary extra medullary plasmacytomas involving de novo soft tissue sites which is a rare presentation Design – case report Result—63yr old HIV positive male patient on HAART presented with solitary extra medullary plasmacytoma of left maxillary sinus in the year 2010 and was treated by radiotherapy alone. He presented in the year 2012 with recurrent multiple extra medullary plasmacytoma involving the recto sigmoid, chest wall skin and left axilla. This patient had absent M band on electrophoresis. Patient was operated with Hartmanns procedure and wide local excision for chest and axillary swellings. Conclusion – extra medullary plasmacytoma can recur at multiple soft tissue sites. HIV infection is known to cause increase in severity of B-cell neoplasms. Literature search reveals cases of plasmacytoma associated with HIV. Case of multiple solitary recurrent plasmacytoma in a case of HIV is rare and has not been cited.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Dr. Koushik, Dr. Shailaja, P.Jadhav, Dr. Lata Bhoir (2018); Case of HIV positive multiple solitary recurrent extra medullary plasmacytoma; Int J Sci Res Publ 4(1) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0114.php?rp=P252178
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