This project has undertaken in TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited, MIHAN, and Nagpur. Statistical process control (SPC) has been extensively utilized in many various industries including automotive, electronics, and aerospace, among others. SPC tools like control charts, process capability analysis, sampling inspection, etc., have definitive and powerful impact on internal control and improvement for batch and production systems. By using SPC tools specially the X bar and R Chart and Process capability study which is that the Cp and Cpk indices , variation thanks to assignable causes within the process has been identified where the 4M; Men, Machines, Methods, and Materials, causes become the most source of variation.
Different stakeholders have different opinions towards the worth added by implementing SPC. For the operators, simple manufacturing and fewer setup time are helpful. While for the engineers, lower scrap rate and better production rate are valuable improvements. For the upper management team, potential annual savings in dollars is that the greatest value. 80% of the failure modes are often addressed by SPC, with 60% reduction within the scrap rate from these failure modes. Using an equivalent analysis for the whole machining center, an identical percentage of failure modes like tool change, tool wear, threads and initial setup that now appear throughout the machining center are often reduced by implementing SPC.
This work presents a case study on the appliance of quality tools to enhance product quality. It aims to scale back inspection time for manufactured parts and improve the performance of current process by reducing the variability within the dimension of parts produced, by diminish rejections and improving the method. By completing mathematical calculations and using various SPC tools, process capability study was done.
With immense pride and sense of gratitude, we take golden opportunity to express we sincere regards to Dr. U. P. Waghe, Principal YCCE, Nagpur.
We attribute our success in this venture to our Mr. PramodSawwalakhe for his guidance throughout the project. Our sincere regards to him for giving me his outstanding guidance, enthusiastic suggestion and invaluable encouragement which helped us to complete the project.
Our thanks are to all those who have shown there keen interest in this work and provide much needed encouragement.
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