Title: Detection of NPK and pH components of soil
Dr. D. B. Bhoyar, Ms. S. K. Mohod, Dr. S. S. Khade, Dr. R. A. Burange
The monograph is developed for the testing of soil electronically. The focus is on the basic issues relating theory to practice wherever possible. The effort has been made to develop a method not only in a logical and interesting manner but also to help the reader develop inside into the many facts of soil testing. The NPK and pH sensors are used to find the N, P, K and pH value of the unknown soil which is used for crops. The tested result is compare with the results of the soil which is tested in soil testing lab, which is the traditional method of testing the soil in the lab.
The proposed method can be useful to find the NPK and pH value of any soil which we think for crop. The testing result of the soil is also used for the farmer to take the decision on which crop is more suitable for the available nutrients in the soil.
It is hoped that the monograph will also be found developing the other sensors for soil testing.
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