A study such as this requires diligent effort, constant coordination, and support from people with various areas of expertise where they play important roles. For this, the researcher is deeply thankful to the following:
Peelbar F. Salarda, Ph.D, her adviser, for assisting and coaching her during the study's conduct and for demonstrating her trust that the researcher can overcome any challenge and obstacle on her way to obtaining this Master's degree;
To the members of the panel, Epimaco A. Cabanlit, Jr.,Ph.D. and Prof. Firmo R. Bargayo, for their valuable comments, suggestions, continuous encouragements and who unselfishly shared their knowledge gained through years of experience;
Epimaco A. Cabanlit, Jr.,Ph.D. for extending her help to the researcher in the statistical treatment and interpretation of data in the simplest and most understandable way possible;
To the Public Employment Service Office in General Santos City, that provided her with much-needed assistance ranging from substantial information, ideas, and given the list of manpower agencies to facilitate the work;
The researcher would also like to extend her gratitude for all the individuals, the Human Resource officer of the respective manpower agency, who sacrificed their valuable time to support her in filling the questionnaire and their outstanding commitment to return the questionnaires on time with their busy schedule, though I can’t mention them one by one. She is thankful for all of them;
To her batch mates, for generously sharing information and SGS directives, which motivated her to endure tough times;
The researcher would also like to express her immeasurable gratitude to her husband, Mohalidin, and three children, Datu Ad’din, Bai Asliyah and Datu Ali, for believing in her, when she thought that she will never make it happen, and for their unreserved moral, mental and financial support. To her brothers Muhibpi, Farouk and sister Rauda, her friends and relatives for extending extra hands in sustaining her and her family during pressing times;
And most importantly, she extends her profoundest gratitude to the Allah (S.W.T.) who blessed her abundantly with knowledge, health, wisdom, and the people surrounding her.
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