International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications



Md. Shamim Hossain Biswas


Alhamdulillah, all praises to ALLAH (subhanahu wa ta'ala) who gives me the ability to complete this research work. I could not have finished my work if Almighty ALLAH did not make it possible.

I would like to give special thanks to Dr. Touhid Bhuiyan (Heads and Professor, Department of Software Engineering, Daffodil International University) who provided opportunity to do this research.

I am very grateful to Mr. Md. Maruf Hassan for his inspirational advices in cryptography lectures. I had motivated to cryptography by his inspiration and contented by reading cryptography.

I am very grateful to Abu Shamim Aminur Razzaque for his rigorous encouragement and good academic advocating.

I am very grateful to Mr. Md. Khaled Sohel who instructed me to find out research gaps during the decision period of my research activities.

I would like to give thanks to M. Mostafa kamal who is trainer and writer of a number of books on English language for helping me during correction time of this research.

I would like to vote of thanks to Dr. Md. Asraf Ali who gave some important instruction during this research.

I would like to extend my gratitude to my respectful supervisor Dr. Md Mostafijur Rahman. Because, he guided me to carry the work and gave me important advice whenever I was in a dilemma.

All of them have contributed to present suitable atmosphere prevailing at Daffodil International University that facilitates me to make research activities. This research would not exist without them. They have been a continual source of support and motivation (visible or invisible) and have provided me with insightful information from differing points of view. Their excellent guidance, motivation, caring, patience provided me with an excellent facilities and environment for doing this research.

I would like to express my gratitude and happiness to my parents, my beloved wife, brothers and sisters for their continued support, inspiration, patience and love. I am very grateful to my family members who supported financially to conduct study because without their financial support, love and affection, this work could not carry out.

Last but not least, thanks goes to whoever has helped me either directly or indirectly in accomplishment of my research.

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